BF®Petfood Puppy Mini is a high-quality, complete, premium and pure dog food for small breed puppies and young dogs (up to 10-12 months) and gestating and/or lactating small breed dogs. Contains turkey, fish, chicken, rice, prebiotic FOS (inulin) and salmon oil. Wheat free formula High palatability and digestibility. Supports growth, development, skin and coat, resistance, joints and teeth. Inulin FOS (prebiotics) stimulates the intestinal flora and thereby supporting the health. Provides nourishment for increased energy needs and is wheat-free. Healthy nutrition to ensure optimal digestibility, firmer stools and a healthy body condition of your dog. Made without added synthetic odor, color, and flavors.
Kg | 1,5-3 mnd | 4-5mnd | 5-10mnd |
0,2 | 14 - 18 | 11 | - |
0,5 | 28 - 35 | 21 | - |
1 | 48 - 60 | 36 | 29 |
1,5 | 65 - 81 | 48 | 39 |
2 | 80 - 100 | 60 | 48 |
2,5 | 95 - 118 | 71 | 57 |
3 | 109 - 136 | 81 | 65 |
3,5 | 122 - 152 | 91 | 73 |
4 | 135 - 168 | 101 | 81 |
5 | 159 - 199 | 119 | 96 |
6 | - | 137 | 110 |
7 | - | 154 | 123 |
8 | - | 170 | 136 |
9 | - | 186 | 149 |